
The competitive global economy requires businesses to be swiftly responsive, obsessively cost-efficient, and highly customer service oriented.


We Develop, Integrate, and Optimize
Metabyte develops, integrates, and optimizes a broad range of enterprise applications with these attributes in mind. Whether it be proprietary custom software or packaged solutions from major ERP vendors like Oracle and SAP, we can help you launch new business initiatives and execute winning strategies. Our experience can help you take products to market faster and slash costs.
Product Development History Since 1990

In the 1990s, we helped Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) outperform Intel in the benchmark wars, establishing AMD as a credible alternative supplier of high-performance microprocessors.

We helped Sun develop Java before they named it Java.

We are the acknowledged pioneers in the digital video recorder (DVR) industry, with several million consumers using our technology to record and watch their TV programs every day.

Our new web service,, combines innovative technology with one-on-one website design services to help small businesses establish an online presence. Recently, we helped Cisco develop their TelePresence products, and helped Silver Moon Group with their extended reporting period (ERP) insurance products.

We Evolve a Sketch into a Detailed Specification
Sometimes, clients have entrusted us with a concept so rudimentary that it was the software equivalent of a sketch on a napkin. We have taken it from there, working collaboratively to evolve it into a detailed specification. At other times, clients outsource key modules of their product development projects to us.
  • Business Process Analytics
  • Business Process Implementation
  • Post-implementation Support
  • Maintenance
  • Application Development
  • Application Testing, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
Powered by, HotDoodle™ Custom Web Design and Quality Affordable Website Designers for Small Businesses and Professionals
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