
We are helping build the infrastructure that can support billions of context-aware devices, processes, and data

Metabyte has been at the forefront of the Internet of Things (IoT) since before the term was even coined. Metabyte’s network and infrastructure expertise enables us to deliver the connectivity platform for control and operational systems, sensors, machines, and devices. We are helping build the infrastructure that can support billions of context-aware devices, processes, and data.

Metabyte also helps deliver the promise of the Internet of Things by showing that new, sensor-driven business models create superior value. As the cost of sensors and actuators is starting to fall to levels that will trigger widespread use, Metabyte is delivering solutions to aggregate and analyze the huge volumes of data produced by these devices. Our solutions help data flow freely among sensors, computers, and actuators.

Our areas of expertise
IoT infrastructure and connectivity

IoT infrastructure and connectivity
Business Process Optimization

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